无锡市英之诚高速分析仪器有限责任公司,汇聚众多行业精英,集科研开发、生产培训、学术交流、技术咨询为一体:以国内高速分析学术前沿的上海材料研究所《理化检验——化学分册》主编吴诚教授、包头五二研究所李茂山教授级高工、华东师范大学方禹之教授、中科院上海生物工程研究中心李昌厚研究员等资深专家学者以及各级理化学会作为科技进步与创新的坚强后盾。 公司恪守“诚实守信、科研创新”宗旨,高瞻“市场导向、科技先行、以人为本、创知名品牌” 目标。盾以较强的技术力量,在“拓展应用领域、提高测试精度、增强可靠性”上狠下功夫。 领先的技术条件和雄厚的人才资源,强劲推动“英之诚”系列产品向自动化、智能化、规模化发展。十大系列,六十多个品种的C、S、Si、Mn、P、Fe、Cu、Ti、MO、Cr、Ni、Mg、R.E等元素高速自动分析仪,广泛应用于冶金、机械、铸造、科研等领域。系列光电直读光谱仪具有专业品质; 系列红外碳硫分析仪双碳、双硫自动切换技术;全新湿法多元素分析仪,达到国内先进水平。 公司崇尚“让用户无后顾之忧”的经营服务理念,郑重承诺:“精诚提供卓越的产品和优质满意的终身服务”。健全的十一大分公司、二十八个网点的服务营销网络运营体系,充分以人性化管理、人性化服务,确保广大用户个性化需求。公司全体员工籍“务实高效、追越求卓越”的企业精神,博学先居、超越思维、不断创新,以企业综合实力做高速分析行业领航人。 The Wuxi Ying-Zhi-Cheng High-speed Analyzer Co.Ltd.(abbreviated as“The YZC Co.”hereafter)is located in the scenic tourist city Of Wuxi,situating at the foot of Huishan Mountain,and veryhear to the famos Taihu lake,The YZC Co.not only enjoyed the exceptinoal adyontages of natural scenery,but also ac quired a beneflcial environmental condition for her scientiflc instrument manu facturing. The YZC Co.is one of the mos famous manufacturer of high speed analytical instru merits through her long-term efforts in creation and application of the high-speed Analytical technology,As an expert in the instrumentation of High-speed ana lyzers,the YZC Co. also win over as the core to merge scientiflc researches, developments, produ ctions, trainings,ae ademic exchang es and technical in for mations in to an organic whole. The guiding thinking of “assembling talents of the trade,pursuing the policy of honesty and trust,building essence of high-speed analyzers and achieving to the aim of pioneer of the field”is taken as the basis to enrich our enterprise-culture and to promote the development of our enter prise. From the very beginning of founding and throughoutthe course of running of the YZC Co.,and up to the present, great helps and suppors have been obtained both fromvarious relafecd aca demic societies and technical or trade associations.in our country, and from many spects of seniority in the fields of analytical science, high-speed analytical technologyand other related science and technigues, including Prof,WU Cheng, chief-editor of the journal “Lihua sianyan,Part B.Chemical Analysis” Prof.Tian Ying-yan of Xi'an University of Science and Engrneering,Parof.Fang Yu-zh of East China Normal Univexsity, Senior Research Engineer Li Mao-shan of t he Baotou No.52 Research Institute, Senior Researcher Li Chang-hou of the Research Centreof Bio engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and who act for the enterprise as powerpul backing both scientifically and technically. B ased on the strategic deployment of“guided by market necessity ,going ahead with science and technology,taking the idea of humanization and creating instruments of famous brand”great efforts are made by the staffs of YZC Co.in broadening the fields of application of the high-speed analyzers,in raising the testing precision and accuracy and our instruments stacting form a higher technical level,more than 60 kinds of auto-analyzers, belonging to 10 different series(including the element auto analyzers for carbon,sulfur,silicon,manganese,phosphorus iron,copper,titanium,molybdenum,chromium,nickel,magnesium , rare-earth element and etc.),which are widely used in analytical laboratories of metallurgical,machine-building,founding,clinical and medical,and chemical industries,and are also feasible to be used in laboratories of colleges and research institutes.All the products of YZC Co. are prominent for their technical characteristics, especially the instruments of the IR-C/S Analyzers Series,advanced quality are shown by achieving to the advanced levels as compared with productsof the same kinds over the world and in our country. “Quality first and comsumers the highest” is the service and managing idea of YZC Co.who earnestly declare that every of our comsumers will beprovided with products of best quality and also with satisfactory life-long services.The practice and fulfilment of the service and managing idea are guaranteed by a service network composing of 28 net-points under the administration of 1o branch companies,located all over our country,from where humaoistic management and post saling services are offered to consumers to ensure their individual necessity. To be enlightened by the enterprise-spirit of“working pragmatically and efficiently, Pursuing outstanding contri butionas” the staffs of YZC Co.pay great efforts to learn moreabout modern science and technology,to master the essence of modern analytical science,and to make creations continuously , in order to raise the comprehesive strength of the enterprise , and to keep playing a leading role in the pro-fession of High-speed Analytical Technology. |